Archive for May, 2012

The championships are almost here, and derby fans, we need your help!

We are looking for volunteers for our upcoming championship bout June 9 at the Wolstein Center. As a skater-owned, skater-run organization, volunteers truly make things happen.

For volunteering your time, you will get into the bout for FREE, which will give you a sneak peek at some of the behind-the-scenes work involved in a bout. Plus you get to share in a delicious free Qdoba buffet back stage with the skaters!

Worried about missing your favorite team play? West Nel Virus will work with your requests to make sure you can maximize your enjoyment of the bout. ANY time you can give to us would be greatly appreciated! You are welcome to bring a friend along to keep you company, so long as your friend is working alongside you 🙂

Please find below a brief list of the opportunities we have available. If you’re interested, please contact West Nel Virus as soon as possible for more details at

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Raffle Ticket Sellers at table
  • Program and Raffle Ticket Sellers in the stands
  • VIP Greeting Table – Greet VIPs and media at Gate C and keep the VIP area secure

Can’t make it June 9? We’d love to have you help out another date this season for our travel team games: June 16 or July 21.

THANK YOU to everyone who has already volunteered. We truly could not do this without you!

Behind the scenes: non-skating officials

Posted: May 29, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in General, Interviews, WFTDA rankings
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Who are those guys standing in the center of the track anyway? BRRG’s Travis Sickle (second from left) gives us some insight on the inner workings of being an NSO. Photo courtesy of Erl Sod.

Travis Sickle, head non-skating official (NSO) gives us some insight on what he needs to do to prepare for a roller derby bout, changes in national standards and why all of it it is so important to the game of roller derby.

What do you do as Head NSO and how much time does it take?

It’s a routine that starts the day before a bout. All game-day rosters must be mailed to me in advance by Derby Operations so we have no scratches or mistakes. I take these rosters and type their names and numbers into a blank WFTDA StatsBook, which automatically fills in the paperwork I need to print out for game day. Sometimes I have to print out inside whiteboard numbers for visiting teams (Sandusky, Firestarters, travel opponents, etc.) and I have a special spreadsheet for that.

On game day, it’s a cornucopia of activity beginning with assemblage of all whiteboards inside and out, arranging paperwork either on clipboards or at their proper stations, making sure the people who volunteered at their positions are arriving to or already at the venue and getting this all done prior to 5–5:15 P.M. I’m also part of referee meetings and sometimes have to do last-minute accommodations if there are NSO call-offs or absences. This all has to be ready before 5:45 P.M.

I would say it’s not very time-consuming in terms of what I have to do vs. what skaters and referees have to do, but when the time is consumed, you have to make the most of that time if you want a successfully-run bout that doesn’t fall apart on itself.

Travis keeps an eye on the NEO vs. BRRG bout.

Why is your job so important to the league?

The general answer is that statistics serve as a guide to help skaters improve their game.  It also helps skaters and bench coaches understand which of their line-ups worked best as a unit, how each element of the line-up operated in the jams they were in, and how effective they were on both offense and defense. 

How many games have you done stats for?

Not counting scrimmage-like events (e.g. Corndogs n Carnage) or Firestarters (did a few and what a great bunch of skaters they all are), about 136 bouts, 29 of them WFTDA-sanctioned. I have to keep a RefSume for travel purposes.

Does WFTDA officially recognize NSOs?

WFTDA has now instituted a certification track similar to what they do with referees.  Before, the highest certification an NSO could get on a referee track was a One, which is why certification is optional for NSOs. With this track, a non-skating official can pursue a track similar to refereeing and become certified in their position of choice, as well.  There are officiating clinics for non-skating officials as there are for referees.

How and when did you get involved with BRRG?

Thrash-Her (Travis’s wife, of the Hard Knockers) joined in late-2006 and they needed volunteers. I told former-coach Stir-Fry I wanted to volunteer for statistics. I had to come up with a derby name and thought of Travis Sickle in like, 10 seconds. 

I first did scoring (not really scorekeeping as we know it today) and gravitated toward line-ups, where I remained for the first two seasons. In 2008, upon Teddy Roxspin’s exit from the league, I took over as Head NSO and have done penalty of tracking, spotter/wrangler and inside whiteboard; there have been bouts where I’ve performed all of these positions at the same time. Right now, I’m just focusing on Spotter/Wrangler, which allows me to be an all-seeing ubiquitous eye on everything else.

Back in the early years, stats were pretty much a free-for-all with haphazard tracking and spotty volunteer attendance; many leagues weren’t really following a set standard for how they tracked statistics. We didn’t even start using a StatsBook until around 2009.  I’m very glad that the governing body nationwide has issued standards for their NSOs so that the process of tracking interleague bouts is less of a hassle, and these standards also make interchange between leagues far easier.

Travis (forefront) works with NSO team at the championships in Denver last year.

You NSOed for the WFTDA National Championships last year. What did you do and how was it different than NSOing for a home game?

Each individual that was chosen for the Championships was selected based on the mastery of their position. I was honored to have been chosen as a Spotter/Wrangler for an extremely talented crew of experienced officials, many of whom I worked with previously at East Coast Derby Extravaganza and a few new faces as well. That’s huge for someone’s first Big Five tournament experience. I’d say the most emotionally satisfying experience in my derby career to this point was being part of the team of officials that worked the 2011 Championship Bout between Gotham and Oly.

What separates the Championship experience from an interleague game (and in some sense, travel bouts) is that because you’re part of a team that’s considered the best of the best, it allows you to focus on just your piece of the puzzle, which in turn makes the unit itself far more effective. The refs and the crew HNSO kind of let me know this during other bouts and I refined my game that way. I didn’t have to do as many things or worry about how effectively the other positions were performing in the quarters, semis and finals of the WFTDA championships as I did in a home bout. In a way, our home bouts and scrimmages offer the best training for this sort of environment. Spartan-like training to make the real thing easier. That’s not to say wrangling the penalty-heavy matches that we did were easy in any sense of the word, but strict concentration on what you do very much tames a hard task. I brought home a lot from that event.

Since you and Thrash-Her are both involved with derby, how do you keep derby separate from your personal/home lives?
It’s kind of difficult not to, since derby events involve us in so many ways. Between her being involved in the street team and other promotional events and me lending my services to other leagues and tournaments, we’re just all about this thing called derby.  Our 16-year-old keeps us grounded and is a good sport about our involvement.

Happy Memorial Day!

Posted: May 28, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in General
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Some of the members of the Burning River Roller Girls don their patriotic attire for the Bratenahl Memorial Day Parade this morning.

The Burning River Roller Girls wish all of you a very happy and safe Memorial Day. Enjoy this exquisite weather, but most importantly, take some time to remember those who have given their lives for our country.

Thank you to our fallen soldiers and to those who risk their lives for us every day.


Burning River Roller Girls

Food and drink survey

Posted: May 25, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in General

If this embedded survey is too clunky for you, you can click here to fill it out. We’d love your feedback either way!

Remembering Mark

Posted: May 23, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in BRRG News, The Burning River All-Stars

Mark and Sharon Schneider show their love for the Burning River All-Stars.

We love all of our fans here at the Burning River Roller Girls. But some will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Mark and Sharon’s “super fan” seats.

Some have been in the stands bout after bout, year after year since before many of us were even part of this league.

We get to know their faces and their names, and over time, they feel like they are just as much a part of the roller derby family as any one of us.

One such fan has left a very noticeable empty seat in the stands this year.

Mark proudly represented his love for roller derby.

Many of our skaters recall Mark Schneider and his wife, Sharon, from our early years as a league. Even though the couple didn’t personally know any of our skaters outside of derby, they would travel far and wide to see our All-Stars compete. It was always a joy for us to see smiling faces in the stands wearing our team colors while our skaters were far from home.

Which is why we were so sad to learn that Mark passed away earlier this year.

We’ll always remember Mark’s truck, decorated with BRRG stickers and a vanity license plate that touted his love of roller derby.

Eva Lucien with a purse the Schneiders had specially made.

He and Sharon were known to give thoughtful gifts to the skaters, once locating special derby fabric which they had made into purses. Another time Mark compiled a CD of roller derby themed music for a skater.

While Mark’s health was a struggle over the years, he and Sharon always did their best to make it to as many bouts as possible and followed along online whenever he couldn’t make it.

Such love and dedication to our league will not soon be forgotten. Mark, we’ll miss seeing your face in the stands. And Sharon, we send all of our love to you and your family.

The Burning River Roller Girls

Some of the BRRG All-Stars pose with Mark.

Justine Greenwald from Reel Cleveland gets down and derby with the Burning River Roller Girls.

Check out the Burning River Roller Girls on Reel Cleveland!

Justine Greenwald talks to Punkd Pixie, Beatrix Wicked, Soul Eater, Sweet Heart-Attack and Morbid Cherub about how our league works and the basic rules of roller derby.

The group also visits Soza Fitness and Wellness where Matt Soza describes how he comes up with off-skates athletic training routines for the skaters.

Thanks, Reel Cleveland!

Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh

Posted: May 17, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in travel teams, WFTDA rankings

You know all about the classic Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh rivalries. Now you can witness that longstanding feud on the flat-track.

The Burning River All-Stars will be traveling to Pittsburgh this weekend to take on the Steel City Derby Demons.

WHO: Burning River All-Stars vs. Steel City Derby Demons
WHEN:  Saturday, May 19, 7 p.m. (doors open at 6)
WHERE: Romp N Roll, 1661 E. Sutter Road, Glenshaw, PA 15116
TICKETS: $10 in advance, $15 at the door, children 10 and younger FREE

The bout will be a double-header with Pittsburgh also taking on the Mass Attack All-Stars from Massachusetts.

Our skaters would love to see some orange and blue in the audience cheering them on. And it should be a beautiful weekend for a road trip! Will you be there?

Bootcamp 2: Train to be a roller girl!

Posted: May 15, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in Fresh Meat

It’s a little less than a week until our second bootcamp to help prepare our next class of the Burning River Roller Girls.

Even if you did not make the first bootcamp, you are more than welcome to attend this Sunday for the second installment. And if you were at the first bootcamp, this one will cover some new material, so make sure you join us again. You will be taught skills that you will need to know for our July 1 league tryouts.

As always, if you have any interest in joining the Burning River Roller Girls, whether now or in the future, contact our recruiting director, Soul Eater, at so she can answer any of your questions and keep you updated on all the latest information about training to become a roller girl!


Sunday, May 20, 7:45 p.m. to 10 p.m.
(Be geared up and ready to go at 8 p.m.)
Brunswick Skate Station, 1261 Industrial Pkwy N # 4  Brunswick, OH 44212


Cost will be $10 for each session. You must bring a driver’s license or state ID with you.

Gear Required

Skaters must either purchase or make their own arrangements to borrow gear and skates. The usual brown rental rink skates will be available, but it’s highly recommended to have your own skates or borrow regular derby skates as they are quite a bit different. For more details on required gear, recommended brands, and locations to purchase gear, visit our website.

  • Quad skates
  • Hockey/Skateboard/Bicycle helmet
  • Knee pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Wrist guards
  • Mouth guard

At these bootcamps some of our coaches will demonstrate and have skaters practice the skills that will be tested during tryouts to become a Burning River Roller Girl.

Basic skating competency is required (if you still hold on to a wall while skating, this isn’t for you). This is NOT a skating lesson, and the skills demonstrated and practiced will be difficult to complete if attendees are unable to skate.

Our third and final bootcamp is also right around the corner, so mark your calendars and get your gear ready!


Wednesday, June 13, 7:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
(Be geared up and ready to go at 7:30 p.m.)
Pla-Mor Skating Rink in Euclid, 22466 Shore Center Drive, Cleveland, OH

Here’s everything you need to know for this weekend’s bouts!


Preshow Bout: Pyromaniacs vs. Sandusky Roller Girls
Bout 1: Hard Knockers vs. Hellbombers
Bout 2: Cleveland Steamers vs. Rolling Pin-Ups

Tickets can still be purchased in person at the Wolstein Center box office when you arrive.

Doors open at 5 p.m. / Preshow bout, 5:15 p.m. / Home teams, 6 p.m.
Wolstein Center – Cleveland State University
2000 Prospect Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio

General admission
Adult day-of: $17
Kids (12 and younger): $6
Special group (Student, Military, etc.): $10

VIP admission
Adult day-of: $20
VIP special group (Student, Military, etc.): $12

What does VIP mean? VIP gets you access to the sectioned off area on the floor with tables and chairs (see the action up-close without sitting on the floor)! It also gives you access to a private cash bar, so you never have to leave the action for refreshments. You as always can also sit wherever you want in the Wolstein Center, but you always have special access to this section.

What’s with this preshow bout? The Sandusky Roller Girls will be matched up with BRRG’s Pyromaniacs, our farm team from which our other teams draft. The teams will play one 30-minute period before the four home teams face off, so show up a little early to cheer on the rising stars of the BRRG!

Parking is available in several parking areas and on streets near the Wolstein Center. The easiest access is a parking deck right next door. In the past, parking has cost about $6, but we have no control over this area, so there’s no guarantee that will be the price today. Just make sure you have cash on hand. In the past, the deck has closed at midnight. Make sure you check the times when you park.

Extras: Check out our new BRRG Kids Club and our memorial table for Luna Lovewound in the concourse. Also try your luck at today’s raffle, and look for our “Ask Me About Derby” representatives. Skaters will be walking around during the bouts with bright orange shirts. They are ready to answer any questions you might have about roller derby, from the basics to trickier strategic plays happening on the track.

Also, the Wolstein Center does serve alcohol, including fancier drinks at the bar concession areas, for those who are looking to kick off your Cinco de Mayo festivities.

AFTER PARTY: There will be an after party event at the Harbor Inn, 1219 Main Avenue, Cleveland. Bring your ticket stub and come join the skaters as they celebrate!


Burning River All-Stars vs. Long Island Roller Rebels

General admission: $3 (cash only). Available at the door.
Free for season pass holders.

Doors open at 10 a.m. / Bout 10:20 a.m.
Pla-Mor Roller Rink
22466 Shore Center Drive
Cleveland, OH

Extras: Concessions will be available for purchase. Also, bring your own plastic chair or soft mat to sit on if you’re not comfortable on the floor.

More details about this weekend can be found here.

Season 6, Bout 3 recap

Posted: May 5, 2012 by burningriverrollergirls in Bout Recaps, General, home teams

For those who missed the April 21 bout, you have some catching up to do for this weekend! Bout 3 brought big thrills and set the line-ups for the May 5 semifinals.

After Bout 3, the Rolling Pin-Ups are now in first place overall and will match up against the fourth place Cleveland Steamers in the semifinals. The Hellbombers, now in second place, will take on the third-place Hard Knockers.

Finnish-Her sizes up CupQuake before going in for the hit.

Forget what you think you know about these four teams. May 5 will be anyone’s game. The Cleveland Steamers and Rolling Pin-Ups have a long history of exciting, down-to-the-wire match-ups. And while the Hellbombers beat the Hard Knockers in their last bout, the Hard Knockers owned the first half of that game and are ready to bring that intensity back to the track.

Cleveland Steamers vs. Hard Knockers

The Hard Knockers, using some incredible blocking skills, managed to hold the Steamers at 0 points for the first eight jams while they racked up an impressive 74 points, including a 25-point jam from Scarlet Go’Dancin and a 19-point jam from Premo Donna.

But a 23-point jam from Mauli-bu Barbie of the Cleveland Steamers was just what her team needed to get back in the game. Score at the half was Hard Knockers  98 – Cleveland Steamers 40.

But after half-time, the Hard Knockers again started strong, holding the Steamers at 40 points for the first six jams. The bout wouldn’t see anymore double-digit jams. But the Knockers consistently put up small chunks of points over and over to add up to a big victory. And while the Steamers didn’t win this bout, they did display one of the most impressive comebacks of the season, and showed they are not a team to take lightly.

Final score: Hard Knocker 151- Steamers 73.

Soul Eater escapes from the pack.

Hellbombers vs. Rolling Pin-Ups

The Pin-Ups and Hellbombers have faced off in the Hazard Cup Championships the last two years in a row, creating a brewing rivalry between the two teams that came to a full boil April 21.

Fantastic defense for the first part of this bout from both teams made for a relatively low-scoring game. The Hellbombers maintained the lead for the first 12 jams, but managed to only put up 18 points during that time before the Pin-Ups tied things up.

The Pin-Ups maintained that lead through the rest of the first half, until the final jam. Mary Kaos of the Hellbombers put up 9 points and was the only jammer to make it through a second scoring pass the entire half. Score at the half was tied 36-36.

The Hellbombers reclaimed the lead for one jam in the second half, but after that, the Pin-Ups took over and never let go. A 10-point jam followed by a 13-point jam from Soul Eater really solidified the lead for the Pin-Ups, combined with strong defense to keep to the Hellbombers’ score low.

Final Score: Hellbombers 67 – Rolling Pin-Ups 122


Cleveland Steamers
Jammer: Maul-ibu Barbie
Pivot: Killustrator
Blocker: Mrs. Lovehit

Hard Knockers
Jammer: Bad Mooney Rising
Pivot: Vendetta Farfalle
Blocker: Thrash-Her

Jammer: Eduskater
Pivot: Destroya
Blocker: Cleveland

Rolling Pin-Ups
Jammer: Mae Burnya
Pivot: Dagney Taghurt
Blocker: Mandy Maggots